Carlos Fernández Llatas

Dr. Carlos Fernández-Llatas is the Head of the Process Mining 4 Health Lab and Deputy Director at SABIEN Group at ITACA institute at Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Affiliated Researcher at Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) and Permanent Researcher at the joint research unit in ICT applied to Reengineering socio-sanitary process at Hospital La Fe of Valencia. He received the PhD degree in Computer Science in the Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Program of that university. He is member of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Process Mining. He participated in more than 30 projects through IV, V VI and VII European Framework program, H2020 program and Spanish Government funded projects. He has published more than 100 scientific papers. He has been member of the Organizing Committee in more than 10 international conferences and member of the Scientific Committee in more than 30. He is reviewer in several Indexed journals in Bioengineering and Medical Informatics. His research is mainly focused on the use and promotion of Process Mining technologies as well as Process Management, representation and execution techniques for their application in health and human behaviour modelling.