Legal advice
Process Mining for Health (PM4H) is part of the SABIEN group (Technological Innovation for Health and Well-Being), which forms part of the Institute of Applied Information Technologies and Advanced Communication (ITACA), a centre of excellence for research and development of ICT, aiming to innovate and transfer its products and Research and Development services to the public sector, industry, commerce and the services sector. The ITACA institute, affiliated to Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV), is situated in the Polytechnic City of Innovation (CPI), with CIF Q4618002B, address Camino de Vera s/n., 46022 Valencia, Spain and can not assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect use, inappropriate or illegal information appearing on the Internet pages of
The group ITACA-SABIEN, holds the ownership of the page. Some resources included in it have been assigned by their authors for exclusive use in it. The copyright © of the scientific and informative content belongs to the team of managers and collaborators of the web, insofar as they have been involved in its creation.
PM4H is a corporate portal, aimed at managers, clinicians and any professional related to healthcare, whose objective is to disseminate and present the activities and services offered by Process Mining for Health. The portal allows you to download documents and information on various aspects of PM4H. With the limits established in the law, does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its Internet pages.
ITACA-SABIEN is committed to safeguarding the identity and privacy of personal data, both visitors to the portal, and of individual patients. Although through our free access pages we do not handle sensitive personal data, we are subject to Spanish legislation on data protection and the main codes of ethics in force.
This page has included links to other pages that may be of interest to visitors. These sites provide, in our opinion, useful information. This does not imply any ownership or responsibility for the contents of said links, their updating or access conditions; however, we endeavour to keep such links up to date.
Links to this website are allowed, a situation that we promote and encourage, without any prior authorization. However, those links from for-profit and e-commerce entities must be previously authorized by the website team. In all cases, the links must represent a complete display of the web, that is, not within foreign frames, and always allowing the correct address of our web to appear in the browser bar. In the event of having technical difficulties in linking them without including us in your frame, please contact those responsible for the Web.
The intellectual property of the information, of whatever type, contained in the portal belongs to its authors. The dissemination and reproduction of this are free, as long as its origin and authors are duly cited, and the use of said information does not generate economic or commercial benefits. The public and free dissemination, by any means, of the ITACA-SABIEN and PM4H brand logos and banners, is authorized, always providing a hyperlink to its origin. These authorizations do not imply a transfer of the intellectual property of the information used, nor a waiver of taking legal action in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of use. We appreciate that the use or reference to the information contained in our pages is communicated to us. However, for those profit-making entities and portals dedicated to e-commerce, the dissemination and use of the information contained in will be subject to the prior and express authorization of the ITACA-SABIEN group. Images contained in the portal, except for specific notification to the contrary, are the property of ITACA-SABIEN, and other companies of which said the group is the licensee, and have protected copyrights. Thus, its public use and dissemination by any means are prohibited.
ITACA-SABIEN, at this time, is not funded with any type of advertising. In the event that an advertising campaign is carried out, the advertisements will be placed on the portal pages, is clearly differentiated from the rest of the content with the term advertising. In no case will advertising incompatible with the ethics of the portal be accepted. The eventual references that are made in the portal to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any other information, using the brand, the commercial name, or the name of the manufacturer or supplier, which are owned by third parties, does not constitute nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by ITACA-SABIEN.
1.- The information offered by this portal is totally free.
2.- ITACA-SABIEN reserves the right to modify the conditions or terms of use of the portal, without the need for prior notice.
3.- The use of this portal is governed by the Spanish legal system and by these general conditions.
4.- It is prohibited to use the portal for any action contrary to current legislation and especially, without being exhaustive, the following:
- Sending of unsolicited bulk mail or spamming.
- Any form of violation of the rights of third parties.
- Any activity that has illegal content in any way.
- Introducing computer viruses, defective files or programs that may cause any damage or harm to the portal, the Spanish Association of Tissue Banks or third parties.
- Use this website for commercial purposes or improperly serving your own purpose.
5.- The owners of are not responsible, in any case, for any damage that may be caused to a third party by users of the portal as a result of illegal or inappropriate use of the same, nor as a consequence of the contents and information accessible or provided through it, nor of the sites linked to it. Those responsible will be the users or third parties causing the damage.
6.- The availability and continuity of the operation of the portal and of the services are not guaranteed, so it will not be responsible for any damages that may be caused as a result of the lack of availability and/or continuity.
For any questions or clarification, you can contact those responsible for the web. © 2020 PM4H. Updated August 19, 2020.