
Workshop on Process Mining for Health

Dr. Carlos Fernandez-Llatas from the UPV-SABIEN group has given a talk about Process Mining and the added value of its application in Health in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño.

The workshop has brought Interactive Process Mining (IPM) paradigm closer to the students of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño of the Universitat Politècnica de València. They have been able to see the added value that offers this technology in the real world through several examples in different contexts such as the detection of human behaviour in nursery homes in Galicia, or the Emergency Room case in a hospital in Valencia.

Interactive Process Mining implements the concept known as full-crawling that can show information at different levels, from the process perspective until the patient level. IPM is able to abstract the process data and synthesize this information in a unique number that later on can be represented in different ways.

To involve new professionals and make them understand the added value offered by the technology is critical to bring the digital transformation to the real world.